MA.RE laboratory.
Marlintremiti Research laboratory
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LABORATORY of the a service company engaged in activities and projects, dedicated in particular to the monitoring of marine and terrestrial ecosystems, underwater work but also in environmental education activities.

Over twenty years of experience in these sectors, gained in close relationship and in synergy with companies and leading national universities, allows us today to have a complete and in-depth understanding of customer needs, allowing us to best satisfy the related requests, even in the presence of the most complex.
A dynamic team of qualified professionals provides the most innovative ecosystem monitoring techniques, with the use of latest generation diving equipment, ROVs, and a fleet capable of guaranteeing the performance of activities at sea, even offshore.
The Company has equipment for the production of photo and video material in 4k, 8k and 360° video formats, with terrestrial and underwater shots for the purpose of scientific research, planning and surveys, and tourism promotion with 3D digital reconstructions.
The laboratory of the MA.RE. is divided into research sections that are mainly dedicated to:
Marine Biology, Underwater Archeology and Geology.
The laboratory of the a company closely linked to the territory of the Tremiti Islands MPA whose object is research, development, training, promotion and enhancement of the naturalistic, historical, museum and archaeological heritage of the Tremiti Islands archipelago;
As of 2004, numerous projects have been carried out in collaboration with institutions and institutional subjects of local and national importance (including the University of Foggia, Chieti and Pescara, Bari, Palermo, Bologna, Camerino, Perugia, Polytechnic University of Marche, Cattolica of Rome, of Salento , Federico II of Naples, National Interuniversity Consortium for Marine Sciences, CNR-IRBIM of Lesina, CNR of Ancona, ISPRA, Gargano National Park Authority, Municipality of the Tremiti Islands, State Police Underwater Unit, Coast Guard Underwater Unit, Unit Underwater Firefighters, Central Service of the Superintendency for Archaeological Heritage, Superintendency of Archaeological Heritage of Puglia, Technical Section for Underwater Archeology of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Marevivo), as well as with the major national and international radio and television broadcasters (including RAI , Mediaset, France 3 TV, La7, Odeon TV, National Geographic);
Among the most important projectsthe discovery and census of colonies ofSavalia Savaglia(2010) and Black Coral (Antipathella Subpinnata– 2008-2012-2017), the census and study of the colonies ofPinna Nobilis(2018), together with monitoring activities of the grasslands ofOceanic Posidonia(2004-2019) and the study of alien species (egSporochnus Peduculatus- 2019) with assessment of the impact of native ones, both in the field and with laboratory analyses, The project "X-Ray Marine Park 21.23” with research and monitoring activities with the study of the condition and extension of the prairie habitat ofOceanic Posidonia, of the prairie ofCymodocea nodosa, ofSargassum vulgare, of theCystoseira amentaceaand ofCladocora caespitosa (2021), the research project LMM 4/07 with the identification, location and classification of the sea caves of the Archipelago of the Tremiti Islands (2009-2010), seabed cleaning and recovery of ghost nets (2005-2019) ; in the historical and archaeological field, among others, the identification of the Lombardo steamer (2005), the identification, identification and mapping of the wrecks of cargo and transport ships from the Roman era (2005-2007), of the wreck of a B24 aircraft of the Second World War (2007-2016), of the wreckage of a fighter plane from the Second World War (2015), the making of documentaries and short films (2016-2021); finally, in the museum field, the conception and creation of the first underwater archaeological museum on the Lombardo wreck (2020) and the production of the documentary Un mare di storia (2020) dedicated to the archaeological sites of the AMP.
The development of projects in the field has always been accompanied by a dissemination commitment with the organization of conferences, events, seminars, also specifically aimed at secondary school students, as well as the establishment and distribution of scholarships reserved for university students.
Among the most relevant: organization of the "Posidonia Festival AMP Isole Tremiti" (2022), of the "BioMartò" (2022), of "A Sea... of resources of the G.Marconi Scientific High School of Foggia" (2022), of the "UNIVPM Training School " (2022), of "Un Mare di Roccia UNICH" (2022), of "Webinar for the secondary schools of Manfredonia, Bergamo and Cremona" (2022), of the "Summer School UNIBA" (2021), organization of the event " Air Quality: the added value of the Tremiti Islands MPA" (2021), "School of Geomorphology, Ecology and Biology in the marine and island environment" (2021), "Training school of the INGEO department of UNICH" (2021) , “UNIVPM Student Training School” (2021);
organization of events for the 30th anniversary of the PMA and "Sea Culture Week" (2019), organization of the celebrations for the twentieth anniversary of the laying of the Statue of San Pio (2018), conference "Lombard, from the Expedition of the Thousand to Tremiti Islands" (San Severo - FG, 2019), national conference on Archaeometry (Reggio Calabria, 2019), event "Sea and Geology" (2019), conference "The sea door to door" (2009), conference and book presentation “Tremiti: un Mare di Storia” (2009), event and diving for the blind “Progetto Albatros” (2012), archeology internship “Progetto Atlantis” (2014), event “National Underwater Festival” (2007);
The multiplicity of projects carried out, the skills acquired and the close collaborations over the years, also on a national and international level, make the MA.RE. a point of reference for scientific research activities in the fields of marine biology, archaeology, geology and chemistry.

Some recent activities carried out in:
Scientific Research is our passion
Progetto 3DM | IT
Rigenerazione ecosistemi marini - 2023

Progetto "Amphitrite"
Soprintendenza Naz. Patr. Subacqueo

Posidonia oceanica
Studio per CNR-IRBIM - 2023

Monitoraggio e Studio della
Pinna rudis

Training course

Study of
Centrostephanus longispinus

Project "Semi-submerged caves"
UNIBA - San Domino Island - phase2

Training course

in marine and coastal environments

Summer school

"Submarine Acoustic Diffusion"
Audio alto

Studio del Paesaggio Sonoro
Bioacustica nell'AMP - 2023

Studio dell'impatto delle attività sub
nell'AMP Isole Tremiti 2023

Posidonia oceanica
Studio sost. organiche v. (BVOCs) 2023
Lesioni causate dalle reti abbandonate

Oceanic Posidonia
Study of organic substances v. (BVOCs)

Gemorphology School

Marine Park in X-RAYS (21.23)
monitoring and study in the WAP- phase4

Oceanic Posidonia
Study for CNR-IRBIM

Gemorphology School

Oceanic Posidonia
Study, monitoring and density

Marine Park in X-RAYS (21.23)
monitoring and study in the AMP -phase3

Project "Semi-submerged caves"
UNIBA - San Domino Island - phase 1

"DIOMEDES" projectphase2
on the air quality of San Domino

"BioGeoMare" project
on the submerged cave "L"

Geotourism project

"DIOMEDES" projectphase 1
on the air quality of San Domino

Survey and report of benthic populations - Molo di San Nicola

Survey of the wreck of the "Piastre"
and archaeometry studies
Realization of
"Lombardo" archaeological museum

Mapping of archaeological sites
and project of underwater itineraries

Making of the documentary
"A Sea of History"

Study of Invasive Algae
in the Tremiti Islands MPA

Monitoring ofOceanic Posidonia
Tramontana pier - San Domino

Marine Park in X-RAYS (21.23)
Research and monitoring activity with the study of the condition and extension of the prairie habitat ofOceanic Posidonia, of the prairie ofCymodocea nodosa, of theSargassum vulgare, of theCystoseira amentacea and of theCladocora caespitosa.
Study of the distribution and behavior of populations ofCentrostephanus longispinus, or diadem sea urchin, native species of the Mediterranean and threatened by the physical loss of habitat, sea overheating and pollution.
The scientific research project is in collaboration with the Marche Polytechnic University
Study of the impact of nets and ghost lines with the related effects and injuries on gorgonian forests (Paramuricea clavata and Eunicella cavolini)in the Tremiti Islands MPA, with a particular focus on the impact of nets and ghost lines and the related effects of the injuries caused by them.
The scientific research project is in collaboration with the Marche Polytechnic University
Study and monitoring of volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) emitted by Posidonia(directly at sea, innovative and unique in the world). Due to its characteristics, the project has aroused the interest of the company SIREM (Guelph, Ontario - CANADA) which has made available the latest generation samplers specially prepared for use at sea and which will then be analyzed in the Chemistry laboratories of the University of Camerino.
The aim of the project is to study the state of health and life expectancy of theOceanic Posidoniabased on the release of volatile organic compounds of the plant itself.
The scientific research project is in collaboration with the University of Camerino
Study and monitoring of the specimenPinna rudis, identified in good health conditions in the Tremiti Islands MPA
Study of the reproductive biology of the Black Coralpresent in the Tremiti Islands MPA
Mesophotic animal forests
Study of the reproductive biology of black coral
(Antipathella subpinnata)
in the Tremiti Islands MPA
from May 2022 to May 2024
Black Coral 22.24 Tremiti Islands

Department of Life and Environmental Sciences
Marche Polytechnic University - Ancona

Environmental Geomorphology Laboratory
University of Studies “G. d'Annunzio” Chieti-Pescara
The "Black Coral 22.24 - Tremiti Islands" Project
The project is of great scientific importance and will be developed thanks to the collaboration of the MA.RE.
with the Department of Life and Environmental Sciences (DiSVA) of the Marche Polytechnic University of Ancona (UNIVPM), the Environmental Geomorphology Laboratory – INGEO - of the “G. d'Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara (Ud'A)
and with the involvement of technical divers (Citizen science) who will visit the Tremiti Islands for their diving activities.
Project Contacts:
Martina Coppari – PhD – DiSVA-UNIVPM
Adelmo Sorci – ES – Laboratory of MA.RE.
Prof. Enrico Miccadei - Environmental Geomorphology Laboratory – INGEO – Ud'A
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Marine biologists of the MA.RE Laboratory.
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Marine biologists of the Department of Life and Environmental Sciences (DiSVA) - UNIVPM
The Polytechnic University of Marche (UNIVPM) and the Department of Life and Environmental Sciences offer various facilities to support the development of this project including the Zoology Laboratory with tools for histological analysis and microscopy as well as a unique of aquariums with a total water volume of more than 25,000 L (about 200 mesocosms) allowing the maintenance of larvae for long-term monitoring under controlled conditions.

The objectives of the research project are:
The most thorough study of the sexual reproduction ofA. subpinnata,
documenting also for the first time the reproductive event,
together with a first insight into larval ecology
and a first descriptionof asexual reproduction in natural environments
(a phenomenon that remains largely unknown worldwide).
Raise awareness of the importance of mesophotic animal forests
through the involvement of technical divers for the study of the reproduction of black corals.
A new frontier for citizen science.
The bathymetric position,
the geomorphological position of the forests, their positioning and distribution with respect to the karst cavities.
Do you want to participate in the project?
Send us your application
To participate in the project you must have:
Scuba diving license (SSI) XR, TXR, or equivalent of other didactic;
Have made an adequate number of dives from -40m to -55m (L1);
Be in possession of adequate diving equipment.
According to the calendar of activities,
distributed from May 2022 to May 2024,
you can dedicate the time available to you
(minimum two days)
The cost of diving
is paid for by MARLINTREMITI and the Laboratorio del MARE
Marlintremiti Scholarships
from 2006 to today, in self-financing,
Marlintremiti and MA.RE Laboratory. they started and finished
24 research projectsand assigned20 Scholarships.
is the new opportunity for students of various
National Universities.
There are two scholarships made available by Marlintremiti for 2023.
Tirocinio per studenti universitari
Tirocinio per studenti di Scuole Superiori
The Laboratory is a great educational opportunity for all those who love the sea and/or practice related sports activities.
In fact, Marine Biologists, Researchers and Marlintremiti managers will be available free of charge for any internships, meetings and courses on the marine environment and on underwater technique, bringing the participants closer to the world of those who work for it.
The educational process will certainly lead to the acquisition of greater environmental awareness and protection, but also greater awareness of diving techniques.
Marlintremiti believes that the combination of scientific researchers and recreational divers can today be a great opportunity for scientific and cultural development that cannot be underestimated or even ignored.

They have chosen us


Via A. Vespucci, snc - 71040 TREMITI ISLANDS (Fg)
Tremiti Islands (FG)
REA number: FG-317339
CF - VAT number: 04308700717
Adelmo Sorci (©ADphoto) - MARLINTREMITI - all rights reserved