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Cleaning of coves

Wed, 24 Jul


Tremiti Islands - MARLINTREMITI

Environmental education activities

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Cleaning of coves
Cleaning of coves

Time & Location

24 Jul 2024, 08:30 – 11:00

Tremiti Islands - MARLINTREMITI, Viale Amerigo Vespucci, Tremiti Islands FG, Italy


About the event

Transform an operation ofCleaning of covesin moments of aggregation, collaboration, environmental education

and tourism promotion.

Environmental education and prevention have become essential priorities today if we want true sustainable development.

Environmental education represents one of the most valid tools, in the current context, for conveying to individuals and communities what today is defined as 'environmental culture', i.e. that complex of knowledge, values and skills which pertain an essential way both the protection of the environment and the health and quality of life of people.


  • Cleaning of coves

    Environmental education activities

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