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Sea laboratory

stays and diving


Gift Vouchers

diving packages

and much more...

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Weather forecastTremiti Islands

La nostra esperienza ventennale

Our twenty years of experience
to guarantee you quality services, advantages, availability and total assistance

for the organization of your stays, diving activities and excursions

in this page
find just some of the many proposals that we can reserve for you.

if you don't find the right opportunity for you

request a customized quote

se non trovi l'occasione giusta per Te

richiedi un preventivo su misura

Clicca sotto per Assistenza Booking specifica


Isole Tremiti

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You also support the project
"Marine Park in X-RAYS (21.23)"

A fundraiser
for the purchase of laboratory equipment
which would ensure the autonomy and speed of execution
of environmental monitoring activities


Thank you for your little or big help 

See what we do as the SEA Laboratory

Marlin Shop

the stay/diving offers currently available are valid until 30 December 2022

NITROX free 
for all dives

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You also support the project
"Marine Park in X-RAYS (21.23)"

A fundraiser
for the purchase of laboratory equipment
which would ensure the autonomy and speed of execution
of environmental monitoring activities


Thank you for your little or big help 

See what we do as the SEA Laboratory

Join our mailing list

Never miss an update



Marlin Shop
Via A. Vespucci, snc - 71040 TREMITI ISLANDS (Fg)


Tel. (+39) 0882 20.39.72

Direct phone

Tel. (+39) 333 84.55.201

Tel. (+39) 336 82.97.46



MA.RE laboratory.

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 Adelmo Sorci  (©ADphoto)  - MARLINTREMITI - tutti i diritti riservati

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